Good morning all! At least, it's morning here. I got to school a bit early, and I'm waiting for class to begin at 9.

This morning it's clear and cool outside. It's supposed to rain later, but I'm just enjoying this sunshine. So far, I think the walk to school is my favorite part of the day. I leave at about 7:50, when it's still dark outside, and by the time I get to school it's light. I walk down a major street, Calle Asuncion, and I watch as the store owners begin to open shop for the day. There are the usual city sounds: engines revving, brakes squeaking, crosswalk signs beeping, people yelling good morning to each other. I see kids waiting at the bus stops with their parents (here they use tour buses, not big yellow buses like we use). Then I cross the bridge. From there, I see the lights of a city not quite awake, the morning sun glistening on the river below. At the end of the bridge there's always a man handing out newspapers (gratis, for free). I walk along the river and pass the great tower that you can see in the picture. Finally I stroll down a couple streets, tight cobblestone walkways surrounded by yellow and orange buildings. And I'm at school.

The food here is really good so far. My senora makes lots of soup, and I haven't had one that I haven't liked. She also makes tortilla; I can only describe it as a potato/egg, dense omelet. It's delectable. And bread! Fresh bread every day. :) And every morning I have Cola Cao with breakfast; it's similar to hot chocolate but less chocolately and more nutritious.
Yesterday we visited Alcanzar, an ancient palace here in the city. It was built in the 11th century, then added on to in the 13th century. As a result of the two constructions, it has a combination of Muslim and Christian influence in design. I took so many pictures, and I wish I could put them all on here!
This weekend I'm traveling to Cordoba, another city in southern Spain. I'll be sure to take a ton of pictures there too.
Anyway, I better get to class. I have Grammar and Expression this morning, and I have to turn in my first paper. Eeek!

Hope you're all doing great! :)
Sounds like a lovely walk in the morning. You can see God everywhere!
ReplyDeleteThe walk sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeleteWhen I walked to Sun Valley in the winter, the sun was usually still low on the horizon, and usually pink or orange. Since SV is east of my house, I was walking right toward it. It was a great start to the morning.
Doesn't "alcanzar" mean "to reach"? Is there a reason behind the name?
Hellooo!! We miss you and hope your trip continues to be wonderful :-)
ReplyDeletelove all the Baroni's!!