Hola todos!
Well, I'm sorry I'm a bad blog-updater. ;) Things have been pretty crazy around here with papers and exams and presentations. But I don't want to bore you with that stuff... so let's see...
This past Friday I visited a monastery called La Rabida and replications of Christopher Columbus' ships (except, they call him Cristobal Colon here... it's kind of strange how the whole name changes). That was pretty cool, and it got even better when we went to the PLAYA afterward. :)
Tonight is the first night of Feria, and to kick it off, they're going to light up the giant arch that serves as the entrance to the fairgrounds. It's going to be crazy crowded and chaotic, but I think it'll be fun to see!
On Thursday I'm leaving for Portugal for the weekend (to escape the crowds of Feria! hehe). We're headed to Lisboa and Lagos, and I promise to post some pictures when I get back. :) And after Portugal, there's only one week of classes and then finals! Ahh!
Okay, I'm just going to leave you with an old picture now, but it's one of my favorites from Semana Santa. This was after our churros adventure - we stopped a bunch of the musicians from one of the paseos (they were almost all finished by this point in the night) and got our picture with them. Sweeeet!
Hasta luego!